Join us for an insightful session where you’ll learn the essential steps for pricing new products effectively. Our 2 expert speakers from the Retail Industry will guide you through the critical phases of pricing, ensuring you can make informed and strategic decisions that maximize profitability.
3.45 pm
Welcoming and Registration
4.00 pm
4.10 pm
Pricing Strategies: How to Define and Optimize the Pricing of Your New Products/Services
Andreea Valette, Engagement Manager, Pearson Ham Group
Maria Moran Serrallach, Global Pricing Director
Evaluate market trends
Align pricing strategy with customer expectations
Post-launch monitoring and adjustments
Case study from a global leader in perfumes and cosmetics
5.10 pm
Roundtable Discussions
A moment to ask questions, share ideas,
and identify key topics to explore further.
5.30 pm
5.35 pm
Pricing Experts Panel
Julie Riccio, Pricing and Churn Director, Air Liquide
Victoria Damamme, Offer Performance Director & Pricing, 24S
Ulf Avrin, Managing Director, Pearson Ham Group
Nicolas Mirail, Chief Revenue Officer, Seyna
Discussions with experts on practical case studies and real-world feedback, with a focus on the practical application of pricing strategies. This panel is the ideal opportunity to ask questions, exchange with peers, and gain insights into approaches to defining the price of a product or service in various sectors.
What are the best recipes for a successful start?
How much flexibility do you need at launch and afterwards?
6.25 pm
Wine Tasting: The Great White Wines of Europe
Anne-Cécile Marie, WSET 3 Certified Oenologist
For this end of the year, we will explore grape varieties and appellations beyond our borders, which define the character of their terroirs! A moment to escape while tasting rare and refined white wines that are full of surprises for the palate.
7.15 pm
Formal session closure and start of networking
7.45 pm
End of the event
*To avoid over-soliciting our members, unfortunately, this event is not open to consultants or pricing solution providers. Please contact us through this link to find out the next available date.